Estonia passport photo requirements

Estonia passport photo requirements

Ensuring Smooth Sailing with Estonia Passport Photo Requirements

When it comes to international travel, one of the essential elements is having a valid passport with a proper passport photo that meets the specific requirements of each country. Estonia, known for its advanced digital infrastructure, is no exception. Understanding and meeting Estonia’s passport photo requirements is crucial to ensure your travel plans proceed seamlessly.

Estonia Passport Photo Specifications

Estonian passport photo requirements are precise to maintain the integrity of identification and security standards. Here are the key specifications:

  1. Background Color: The background of the passport photo must be light gray.
  2. Photo Size: The photo must measure 40 mm x 50 mm (4 cm x 5 cm) in dimensions.
  3. Head Size: The height of the head in the photo should measure between 31-36 mm from the chin to the crown of the head.
  4. Head Position and Expression: The applicant must have a neutral facial expression, looking directly at the camera with eyes open and mouth closed.
  5. Quality: The photo must be clear, sharp, and in focus with good contrast.

How Passport Photo Online Can Help

At Passport Photo Online, we specialize in providing high-quality passport photo printing services that adhere to Estonia’s specific requirements. Here’s how we can assist you:

  1. Compliance Assurance: We ensure that all passport photos meet Estonia’s stringent requirements regarding background color, size, and head position. Our in-house studio uses professional equipment to capture and print photos that comply with these standards.
  2. Fast and Convenient Service: For customers based in London, we offer same-day printing and delivery services, ensuring you receive your Estonia passport photos promptly. For other areas within the UK, we provide next-day delivery options.
  3. Mobile App Convenience: Our “Passport Photo app & Code” is available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. This user-friendly app allows customers to take their own Estonia passport photos at home. The app guides users through the process, ensuring the photos meet Estonia’s specific requirements for size, background color, and head positioning.
  4. Expertise in International Standards: With experience in passport photo requirements for various countries worldwide, including Estonia, our team guarantees that your photos will be accepted without any issues, saving you time and effort.

How to Use the “Passport Photo app & Code”

Taking your own Estonia passport photo using our mobile app is simple and efficient:

  1. Download the App: Search for “Passport Photo app & Code” on Google Play Store or Apple App Store and download it to your smartphone.
  2. Follow the Guidelines: The app provides step-by-step instructions on how to position yourself correctly, ensuring your photo meets Estonia’s requirements for size, background color, and facial expression.
  3. Capture and Review: Use the app’s camera function to take your photo. The app will provide instant feedback on whether the photo meets Estonia’s passport photo standards.
  4. Order Printing: Once satisfied with your photo, you can order prints directly through the app. Choose the quantity and delivery option that best suits your needs, whether it’s same-day delivery in London or next-day delivery elsewhere in the UK.


Navigating the intricacies of passport photo requirements can be daunting, but with Passport Photo Online, obtaining Estonia passport photos is hassle-free. Whether you prefer our professional in-house service in London or the convenience of our mobile app, we are committed to delivering high-quality passport photos that meet Estonia’s standards. Our dedication to accuracy, speed, and customer convenience ensures that your travel preparations remain smooth and stress-free. Trust Passport Photo Online for all your passport photo needs, and embark on your next adventure with confidence.

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